Thank you for signing up for the Ivanti Innovators Connect community.
We look forward to seeing you at a User Group meeting soon. Below, you’ll find important information to navigate our user group community.
With Innovators Connect you can join user groups based on your solution, industry, or interest, both globally and within your region. User groups are free-to-attend meetings full of customer sharing and high value content from Ivanti experts that you can join in-person or online. As a member you can even start your own user group by joining the Community Leader Program.
Based upon your Ivanti product, region or organization industry, you may have been automatically enrolled in a user group to receive meeting invitations. However, you can also self-serve and join the user groups that are of interest to you.
To get started with Innovators Connect visit (Tip: bookmark this page for easy access) and follow these instructions:
How to Register and Login:
- If you're an Ivanti employee, login through My Apps > User Groups.
- If you're a customer, go to Bookmark this page.
- If you have already joined Innovators Connect, you can login on this page with your existing account information (SSO). (Tip: the login information will be the same email address and password as the Support Portal)
- If you have not joined yet, click “Register Here” on the sign up page or use this link.
- After you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email.
- Please follow the steps within this email and afterwards you can login with these credentials or with Ivanti SSO.
Once you have logged in you can join user groups and RSVP for meetings.
Finding and Joining User Groups:
- By joining user groups on Innovators Connect, you will receive invitations to upcoming meetings and stay in-the-know of important user group updates.
- To find active user groups visit
- Here, you can find user groups based on product, region, industry and interest
- Select a user group to read more about it and view the upcoming events for that group.
- User groups can also be found by looking at the upcoming meetings on the Innovators Connect homepage or the upcoming events page.
- To join a user group, simply click on the desired group and click join
- As a member of a user group, you will receive email invitations to future meetings
Finding and Registering for Upcoming Meetings:
- Upcoming meetings can be found on both pages, the homepage or by clicking “Upcoming Meetings” on the site banner.
- On the Upcoming Meetings page, you can filter all meetings by region as well as the event type and product.
- To register for a meeting click “view details” under the desired meeting (Tip: if you are a member of a user group you can also RSVP to meetings through the email invitations)
- On this page you can read a description of the meeting focus, a description of the user group, important links, and information on the speakers. There is also an agenda and information on the event organizer.
- At the top of the event page, you can register for the event by clicking RSVP
- Fill out the Attendee Information form and click submit to finish registering. Afterwards you should receive a confirmation email with all details.
How to Unsubscribe from Communications
- Click the profile icon on the upper right-hand corner of Innovators Connect and select profile from the drop-down menu
- Under your profile banner, click on updates
- Uncheck the boxes for the group/s from which you do not want to receive communications and click “Save updates”
- You can also unsubscribe from communications by clicking “unsubscribe” at the bottom of email communications
How do I update my profile?
- When you are logged in, click the person icon on the far right of the navigation bar and choose Profile.
- Upload a head shot and optional background image, share contact information, and tell us a little about yourself so others can get to know you. If you do not upload a background image, a default background will be added.
What products does Ivanti have user groups for?
First of all, we are actively growing the user group program and need community leaders to start new groups, so if you don't see a group that fits your needs, consider starting one. As you peruse different groups, keep an eye out for product acronyms (e.g. CSM for Cherwell Service Management or EPM for Endpoint Manager) as well as verticals. Currently, there are the following types of user groups available:
- Product focused group: These groups include the product acronym in the title. (e.g. ISM, CSM, UEM, etc.) These groups meet anywhere from monthly to bi-annually, both virtually and in-person.
- Breakfast Club is a casual meetup to discuss all things IT. This group meets every other week.
- Topic-based and vertical-based meetings are held regularly.
- Women in IT meet monthly to speak about experiences and knowledge on topics centred around women in the tech industry.
Who can attend meetings?
- User group meetings are primarily for Ivanti customers, but approved Ivanti partners, employees, and prospective customers are invited to attend. You do not have to be a member of the group to participate, but you must have an active Ivanti Innovators Connect account to register for meetings. Sign up now with your business email address.
- Ivanti Innovators Connect meetings are held virtually or hybrid meetings (in-person meetings with a virtual component). Of course, this is subject to local COVID guidelines and restrictions.
- To be automatically notified of meetings for a particular group, you must sign up for an Ivanti Innovators Connect account (see instructions above) AND join the group.

Community Leader Q&A
What does it take to run an Ivanti Innovators Connect User Group?
To run an Ivanti Momentum User Group, it takes a few hours to plan the meeting, create the meeting on Ivanti Innovators Connect and send out the invitation to group members. The email invitations are automated.
What support does Ivanti provide?
- Comprehensive Ivanti Innovators Connect Community Leader onboarding and training.
- Meeting material templates (email, PowerPoint, etc.).
- Meeting frameworks – duration, structure, best practices.
- Agenda content library.
- Ivanti Innovators Connect team member in your region to guide you through the ropes.
- Access to Community Leader private group on Ivanti Innovators Connect.
How often should a user group meet?
We recommend that groups meet quarterly, but Community Leaders may decide how frequently the group meets.
What would you say is the ideal number of participants in a user group meeting?
We recommend to have at least six different companies registered for an meeting.
Need help?
For assistance, please email