Jun 22, 2022, 3:00 – 5:00 AM (UTC)
Please join us for the second user group event for 2022. In this session, we will cover: - QUT sharing how form owners can manage email templates - Gary will present on the latest new feature coming to ISM - USQ will discuss synchronising O365 groups with ISM - VU will show off EMS configuration - We'll then open it to the floor for a round table discussion: "Self service....how do you do it?"
Please join us for the second group event for 2022.
In this session Ashton from QUT will show us how to create email template such that form owners are able to manage the contents themselves without needing to involve the ISM administration team.
Following that will be Gary from Ivanti showing off ISM's latest upcoming feature called automatic ticket classification which uses machine learning to help Agents classify tickets.
We'll then hear from Tristan at USQ about how he's integrated ISM with Office 365 via the Graph API to allow for automatic O365 Group synchronisation with ISM team membership.
After that we'll hear from Garry at Victory University who will talk about their implementation of Enterprise Service Management (ESM) in ISM. Garry will step us through the use of a custom module that serves as a control panel through which they configure and manage a number of ESM features.
This will lead us into our roundtable discussion which will be open to the whole group. The topic is: "Self service....how do you do it?" We look forward to getting input from everyone on how you do Self Service. What works, what doesn't, and what you've learned.
Please note: This is a virtual meeting during which we will use third party conferencing (MS Teams). MS Teams privacy policy. This meeting will be recorded and made available to registrants. Please direct specific questions to the user group leader facilitating the event.
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
3:00 AM – 5:00 AM (UTC)
Introduction and welcome |
How to allow form owners to manage their own email templates |
Automatic ticket classification |
Manage Office 365 group from ISM automatically |
Enterprise Service Management (ESM) |
Roundtable Discussion |
Queensland University of Technology
Service Management Coordinator
University Of Southern Queensland
Team Leader (Service Management)
Solutions Architect
University Of Southern Queensland
Software Engineer
Victoria University
ISM Administrator
Queensland University of Technology
Service Management Coordinator
University Of Southern Queensland
Team Leader (Service Management)
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