2024 Q2 APAC Neurons Bots User Group

Jun 27, 2024, 2:30 – 5:00 AM (UTC)

Australia – New Zealand, EXM

Welcome to the first Neurons Bots User Group Event. This is the first event dedicated to Neurons Bots and will feature an update from product management on some of the new features and what's coming. We will have 3 customers showcase bots that have helped them eliminate mundane and repetitive tasks. Ivanti will showcase the new custom dashboards.


About this event

Join us for the inaugural Neurons Bots user group session of 2024!

The session will commence with a preview of the Neurons platform's new features and the upcoming 2024.3 release, presented by the Director of Product Management, Robin Rowe.

We invite customers to present any bots that have been instrumental in eliminating mundane and repetitive tasks. If you have a bot to share, we eagerly anticipate your presentation.

Finally, let's have a roundtable discussion. It can be an open discussion but to kick things off, one of the topics raised is the deployment of bots. Is there a stringent process (eg security hurdles) or is it the wild west? Were there any cultural considerations when rolling out Bots for the first time.


Welcome and Introductions
Neurons Bots update from Product Management
Showcase Survey Bots
Customer Presentations


  • Robin Rowe


    Director Product Management

  • Ross Carins


    Account Technology Strategist

  • Gary Wang


    Solutions Architect


  • Gary Wang

    Solutions Architect

  • Vee Ferreira

    University of Southern QLD

    Service Management Team Leader

  • Ashton Mossop

    Queensland University of Technology

    Principal Consultant, Service Management

  • Ross Carins

    Senior Sales Engineer

  • Kieran Shelley

    Senior Sales Engineer

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