Neurons for ITSM Administrators - March 27, 2024

Mar 27, 2024, 4:00 – 5:30 PM (UTC)

Service and Asset Management Central

Don't miss this opportunity to hear from Kelly Ruston at William Osler Health Center and Claudine Lachapelle with Kifinti, who will show us how they have streamlined application request offerings using their CMDB. A unique look at real-world solutions.


About this event

Join us for the Neurons for ITSM Administrators' user group meeting, where we will hear from Kelly Ruson at William Osler Health Center and Claudine Lachapelle at Kifinti, who will show us how they have streamlined application request offerings using their CMDB. Afterwards, get questions answered by your peers.

As an administrator, you understand the value of having a place to ask questions, discuss challenges and objectives, learn the best tips and tricks from other administrators, get guidance on working day-to-day in Neurons for ITSM, and share accomplishments.

Remember this is your meeting, make sure to share with us what you want to hear.

10:30 a.m. PT | 11:30 a.m. MT | 12:30 p.m. CT | 1:30 p.m. ET | 6:30 p.m. GMT

Please note:

This is a virtual meeting during which we will use third-party conferencing. MS Teams Privacy Policy

This meeting will be recorded and made available to registrants. Please direct specific questions to the user group leader facilitating the event.



Wednesday, March 27, 2024
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM (UTC)


Introduction and Community Updates
Real-world application request offerings using CMDB
Open Discussion
Meeting Ends


  • Kelly Ruston

    William Osler Health System

    IS Systems Analys, LRA

  • Claudine Lachapelle



  • Shannon Burns

    Lead Community Program Manager

  • Graham Plumb

    Lead Community Program Manager

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