ACSC Essential 8 Compliance for Operational Technology (OT) and Air Gapped Networks (Hybrid Event)

Australia - New Zealand, Security

Apr 26, 2023, 4:00 – 4:45 AM


17 RSVPs

About this event

Now a Hybrid event Lvl22 120 Spencer Street Melbourne 3000 :-)

Most Ivanti customers know of the strong focus and history Ivanti has securing endpoints and servers for ACSC Essential 8 compliance. What many may not know is how well suited these same solutions are at protecting highly secure/air gapped networks and their critical assets.

Ivanti has long standing success supporting customers with OT/air gapped networks who've secured and simplified the management of these environments and the assets connected to them. This success comes with changing very manual approaches to management into automated ones.

In this session we will go through architecture examples and show why Ivanti have been leaders in this field for so many years.

For more information on Ivanti and the ACSC see our dedicated page for more information



Wednesday, April 26, 2023
4:00 AM – 4:45 AM UTC


  • James Ley

    Manager, Sales Engineering

  • Shane Wescott

    Security/UWM Technical Evangelist

  • Ross Carins

    Senior Sales Engineer

  • Abdul Azize

    Solution Engineer

  • Hariharan Janakiraman

    Sales Engineer

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