Full Spectrum Risk-Based Vulnerability Management - Prioritise, Automate, Visualise

Australia - New Zealand, Security

May 5, 2022, 4:00 – 5:00 AM

15 RSVPs

About this event

Most organisations use vulnerability scanners, threat feeds, CVSS data and spreadsheets to help them try to prioritise which vulnerabilities they need to focus on.

Customers tell us stories of the volume of data being generated on vulnerabilities each week being overwhelming, and the management of remediation, and reporting on progress being a continual drain on manpower.

Skilled Security manpower is expensive and very difficult to find in todays market.

In this session we’ll show you three key improvements Full Spectrum Risk Based Vulnerability Management can bring to your organisation Today.

  1. Take your existing vulnerability findings data, and apply a true Risk Based lens across it.
  2. Using play books and workflows automatically categorise and tag findings as they are ingested, to drive faster and fully tracked remediation.
  3. Automatically updated SLA’s and Executive Dashboards to show Exec’s and C Levels where they are now and how they are tracking for greater compliance with less risk.

Automate workloads, improve your security posture and reduce your attack surface.

If you’re a customer or Rapid7, Tenable, Qualys or tools like Snyk this is a session for you!


  • James Ley

    Manager, Sales Engineering

  • Shane Wescott

    Security/UWM Technical Evangelist

  • Ross Carins

    Senior Sales Engineer

  • Abdul Azize

    Solution Engineer

  • Hariharan Janakiraman

    Sales Engineer

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