Northeast CSM User Group Meeting

Jan 27, 2023, 3:00 – 6:30 PM (UTC)

Northeast ITSM

Join us at the Northeast CSM (Cherwell Service Management) user group meeting where we will have a show and share presentation on MITRE's Outage application, hear about performance improvement, see a demonstration on ITAM for Neurons and what this means for CAM customers, and get an update on the Purging and Archiving functionality in CSM.

About this event

Are you ready to challenge the way you work and think? Join us at the next Northeast CSM User Group meeting on January 27 at 10 AM ET to create stronger business connections, share your knowledge, and learn from other users' experiences and expertise. 

Take advantage of this excellent opportunity to build on your knowledge and participate in our open discussion forum to get advice from your peers on current projects and challenges.

During this session, we will cover…

  • A show and share presentation on MITRE's Outage application
  • Hear from Eric Kreuger on performance improvement
  • See a demonstration on ITAM for Neurons and what this means for CAM customers.
  • Update on the Purging and Archiving functionality.

The Northeast CSM (Cherwell Service Management) user group meeting is for, by, and about customers, and we meet four times a year to see how other customers are using the platform or how others have solved the same things you're working on. Learn the latest product updates and brainstorm solutions on current projects. This customer-driven group is an exceptional opportunity for customers to connect with and learn from each other.

Please note:

Stay in touch with your group between meetings through your exclusive forum within Ivanti Innovators:

Please submit any questions you would like to cover as part of the roundtable discussion here:

This event is held via Zoom. View Zoom's privacy policy at

User group meetings may be recorded and may be made available to registrants. Please direct specific questions to the user group leader facilitating the event.



Friday, January 27, 2023
3:00 PM – 6:30 PM (UTC)


3:00 PMWelcome and Introductions
3:15 PMShow & Share Outage Application - Sue Barber, MITRE
3:45 PMPerformance Tuning Overview - Eric Kreuger, StrataCom
4:30 PMBreak
4:35 PMPurging and Archiving Update - Mike McMullen, Ivanti
5:00 PMCAM/ITAM - Jeff Kelsey, Ivanti
6:00 PMRoundtable - submit topics here
6:30 PMMeeting Ends


  • Sue Barber


    Lead Software Development engineer

  • Eric Krueger


    Principal Consultant

  • Jeff Kelsey


    Director, Product Management

  • Mike McMullen


    Principle Sales Engineer


  • Shannon Burns

    Lead Community Program Manager, Ivanti

  • Elias Hunt

    Dartmouth Health

    Community Leader

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