Aug 28, 3:00 – 4:30 PM (UTC)
An open discussion about how your organisations dealt with the Crowdstrike issue that hit the world in July, both from a tactical (remediation) and operational perspective. Chris Goettl and Rex McMillan, Vice Presidents, Product Management will join us for an Ivanti perspective, including a look at the steps Crowdstrike are taking to try and prevent these types of incidents in the future.
The Endpoint Manager (EPM) User Group is a community of passionate Ivanti users who meet to share best practices, collectively problem-solve, and network with the growing Ivanti Innovators community.
Join us to hear about some of the hottest EPM topics from your fellow users and Ivanti technical resources.
Customer Showcase!
We want to showcase you! Do you have a problem bringing you down or have you created a solution that has raised you up? If so, we want to hear your story and so do the group! Please tell us at and we will add your story to the agenda!
Do you have discussion points that you'd like to raise at the meeting? Let us know here.
Innovators community forum. Keep the discussion going after your meeting and pose your questions here.
This event is held via Teams and will be recorded. View Teams privacy policy.
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
3:00 PM – 4:30 PM (UTC)
3:00 PM | Welcome, introductions and updates |
3:10 PM | Crowdstrike! Let's talk about it... |
4:30 PM | Meeting ends |
Vice President, Product Management
Vice President of Product Management, Security
Ivanti EPM System Admin
SCI Shared Resources LLC
Community Program Manager
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