Jun 11, 2024, 3:00 – 4:30 PM (UTC)
UWM User Group meeting - merging the EMEA and North America Groups! Join us virtually for a great opportunity to connect with more customers like you and hear about Cloud migration for UWM customers and a demo of new features! The floor will be open for your discussion points too...
Join us at the upcoming meeting of the UWM User Group.
This User Workspace Manager (UWM) user group is led by, for and about customers and fosters collaboration among group members.
Connect with other UWM administrators, delegated users and process owners across the globe. Join us four times a year to see how other customers are using the platform or how others have solved problems that you are working on. Learn about the latest product updates and brainstorm solutions on current projects. This customer-driven group is an exceptional opportunity for customers to connect with and learn from each other.
'Around the water cooler' discussions: this part of the meeting is an opportunity to start discussions, ask questions, help solve each other's problems and find out what people are currently working on. Please submit any questions or discussion topics you would like to cover as part of the group's discussion to me at yvonne.seindawi@ivanti.com.
Stay in touch with your group between meetings through your exclusive Ivanti Innovators General User Group forum this is the place to ask questions, share best practice, request help, share your tales of woe or triumph or just chill out and chat.
Please note: This is a virtual meeting during which we will use third party conferencing (MS Teams). MS Teams privacy policy.
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
3:00 PM – 4:30 PM (UTC)
Welcome, introductions and updates |
Ivanti presentation - Cloud migration for UWM customers |
Ivanti presentation - Demo of new features |
Roundtable discussion and Customer Show and Share |
Meeting ends |
Senior Professional Services Consultant
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Customer Advocacy Manager
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