Texas CSM User Group Meeting

Texas CSM

Sep 29, 2023, 3:00 – 5:30 PM

Join us for the Texas CSM user group meeting, where you will get an update on the migration and available options. Sue Barber with MITRE will show their outage application in CSM and come together for a solve-my-problem session focused on Cherwell Service Management. Submit your issues/problems at https://meet.ps/csm-tx beforehand.


29 RSVPs

About this event

Join us for the Texas CSM user group meeting on September 29th, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM (CDT). This user group is led by, for, and about customers and fosters collaboration among group members.

Connect with other product administrators and process owners to see how they are using the platform or how others have solved problems that you are working on. Learn about the latest product updates and brainstorm solutions on current projects. This customer-driven group is an exceptional opportunity for customers to connect and learn from each other.

Please note:



Friday, September 29, 2023
3:00 PM – 5:30 PM UTC


Welcome, Introduction, Community Updates
Outage Application - Sue Barber, MITRE
Migration Update & Options - Gary Parker, Ivanti
Promote Meeting on UWM Migration Journey
Solve My Problem - submit issues here https://meet.ps/csm-tx
Wrap Up - Plan Next Meeting
Meeting Ends


  • Sue Barber


    Lead Software Development engineer

  • Gary Parker


    Manager, Product Management


  • Joshua Tooley

    Texas Christian University (TCU)

    Director of IT Support

  • Shannon Burns


    Community Program Manager


  • Joshua Tooley

    Texas Christian University

    Community Leader

  • Shannon Burns

    Ivanti User Group Team

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